Tuesday, July 22, 2008


USM taken 115 foreign students from 13 countries, mostly to do post graduate studies (NST 02/07/08 pg 20). But thousands of Indians are denied places in the local universities what more to do post graduate courses. UMNO would rather help foreign students prosper in their quest to make the Indians the new "coolie" (near slavery) by 2020 when Malaysia would become a fully developed country and the Malay Muslims the Masters.

Tamil School field snatched. Shop lots built under PKR, DAP and PAS state government in Perak. The 73 year old Thiruvalluvar Tamil School in Teluk Intan football and playing field had been snatched up by the Teluk Intan Municipal Council to built shop lots (Tamil Nesan 12/06/08 pg 7). This atrocity of this nature does not happen to any Malay or Chinese Schools in Malaysia. It only happens to Tamil Schools. Why? Because the Indians in this country are soft target and a target of being bullied by the UMNO controlled Malaysian Government. In civilized societies like in the West, minority's rights are protected by the majority. But in UMNO controlled Malaysia, the Indians are bullied, taken advantage of and bulldozed with impunity at every available opportunity. What even supposed multi racial PKR. DAP and PAS government in Perak stands by and watches quietly like UMNO. PKR, DAP and PAS does not care as it merely involves the politically, economically and not international attention drawing community. TV3 on 11/06/08 at prime time news covered some Malay Muslim Felda settlers who had yet to be paid compensation of up to RM 800,000 for their land taken about eight years ago. Good coverage by TV 3as some of the beneficiaries are old while others have passed away. But the very same TV 3 would not highlight the plight of this Tamil School or almost all of the critical Indian issues because again it involves merely the Indians. The only solution forward is Indian political empowerment. People Power "Makkal Sakthi" have to act at the appropriate time.

UMNO demolishes second Hindu temple since the 8th March 2008 General Elections without a valid court order and in total disregard for Article 11 of the Federal Constitution. UMNO has also committed a crime punishable with a two years jail term, contrary to 294 (defiling a place of worship), 295 (disturbing a religious assembly), 296 (inciting religious hatred) and Section 441(criminal damage) of the Penal Code (Tamil Nesan 18/06/08 pg 4). Even one cartoon of Nabi Muhammad caused so much anger in UMNO and the "multi –racial" community in Malaysia. But here the very idols the Hindus had been praying to at the Port Dickson Sri Muniswaran Hindu temple was demolished using a bulldozer and backed by 10 Port Dickson Land/District Officers and 20 Policemen. This does not happen to any Malay Muslim Mosques and suraus. But it is only in Malaysia that the supposed "multi-racial" opposition parties PKR, DAP, PAS, Civil Societies and the Print and the Electronic media does not raise even their little finger. So UMNO has had a free hand over the last 50 years in bullying the mere 8% minority Indians and backed up by their police force, army, and the civil service. M. Ravi PKR the state assemblyman could not stop the said demolishment. His boss Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would lose Malay Muslim votes if they condemned this Hindu temple demolishment. So they pretend that they see no evil, hear no evil and therefore speak no evil. But have to acknowledge that in the PKR, DAP and PAS ruled states, no Hindu temples have been demolished since the March 8th General Elections. The Indians and forces of "Makkal Sakthi" people power must go for self help which is allowed in law. They must form a legally trained group who invoke the citizens arrest power even if it means arresting the authorities themselves. But "Makkal Sakthi" must be prepared for the consequences and be prepared to pay the price for the eventual abuse of power and malicious and vindictive action by UMNO's police, Attorney General and UMNO's Courts. This is the only way to stop any further Hindu temples demolishment in Malaysia. Send large scale SMSes and get as many people as possible to come to the temple which UMNO wants to demolish. Vote UMNO out completely in the 2012/13 General Elections and vote for People Power "Makkal Sakthi".

Tamil School roof blown away by strong winds. Wooden SRJK (T) hinggi Tamil School Tampin building catches fire. 40 pupils escape death. Half of the school close down and standard 1, 2 and 3 pupils given leave to stay at home while standard 4,5 and 6 pupils put in one classroom (Tamil Nesan 18/06/08 pg 5). Thing like this does not happen to any Malay , Chinese or Orang Asli schools. It only happens to Tamil Schools. This school is one of the hundreds which are in a cow shed looking pre colonial structures ever so fragile that it can so easily be blown away by strong winds. What happens if the 40 pupils studying therein died or were seriously injured? The UMNO controlled Malaysian Government does not care and neither does supposed "multi-racial" opposition parties PKR, DAP, PAS, and the Print and the Electronic media care. Indian political empowerment is the only way forward. Our day will come.

Even after 50 years of independence all 523 Tamil Schools have not been made fully aided by the racist and UMNO controlled Government. So has the PKR, DAP and PAS state governments in Kedah, Perak, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan not granted state land which they control 100% to enable all these 523 Tamil Schools to be made fully aided Tamil Schools by the UMNO controlled Federal Government. This is despite Hindraf having written to the Chief Ministers of all these five PKR, DAP and PAS controlled state governments.